Meet the Jewel: Claudia

Meet the Jewel: Claudia
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Meet the Jewel: Claudia

Name: Claudia Cogan

Specialty: Gemology/Jewelry Repairs and Custom Design

How many years have you worked at Croghan’s? 5 years in September

White Gold or Yellow Gold? Yellow Gold and I love Rose Gold!

What is your favorite jewelry brand? Temple St. Clair

What is your favorite gemstone? Moonstone, Labradorite, Montana Sapphires, Padparadsha, Paraiba, Tourmalines…sorry…just so many it is too hard to choose… It’s like asking who my favorite child is…depends on the day!

What is your favorite piece of jewelry you own and why? My latest Croghan’s Birthday/Christmas gift: Yellow Gold Vintage Bib Necklace because it is elegant, unique and looks great with any outfit. And my engagement ring…of course!!!

Favorite piece of jewelry you have ever sold and why? I love creating custom pieces because typically the client comes in and they have something in mind and more often than not we recreate their jewelry into something they did not expect. It is a great feeling to exceed the client’s expectations and produce something they are thrilled about.

What is the best thing about working on Wonderful King Street? I am a city girl but I live on an island so I love coming downtown every day. Even though it is a small city, I love being on King Street because there is a sense of busyness and who doesn’t love being in a wonderful charming city like Charleston.

Chocolate or Vanilla? Both especially when they are combined.

Coffee or Tea? Coffee in the morning; tea in the afternoon.

Sunrise or Sunset? Both! I love the sunrise because I love the morning. But a sunset with those vibrant oranges, pink blasts of color is truly breathtaking. Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me!

Sweet or Savory? Savory, all the way!!!

Favorite night in? Cooking dinner with the family; preferably when John cooks and I can sit and watch with a glass of wine or a cold beer on a hot day.

Favorite night out? Dinner in a cozy restaurant with fabulous food, friends, and family—we love to eat and socialize.

Tell us a random fact people would be surprised to know about you: My mother went into labor with me in the Hall of Gems at the Museum of Natural History in NYC.

Tell us a funny moment at 308 Wonderful King Street that still makes you laugh out loud: We love to laugh at Croghan’s. I never met Mrs. Ramsay but listening to Mariana and Rhett tell stories about their Mother…“La Grande Dame of Charleston” is hilarious!

What are your 4 favorite items on our site and why?

Art Deco Diamond Ruby Platinum Filigree Ring

1. Art Deco Diamond & Ruby Platinum Filigree Ring: I love this ring with the emerald cut diamond center and the baguettes flanking the side. Again, this structural ring is so geometric but the use of the filigree softens the ring and makes it the perfect combination of old and new.

Art Deco Repro Diamond Coral Earrings

2. Art Deco Repro Diamond & Coral Drop Earrings: Because I love everything Art Deco and I love the oxblood red of the dangling coral—so vibrant and classic!

Estate 14K Tri-Color Gold Bangle

3. Estate 14K Tri-Color Gold Bangle Bracelet: I love bangles and I love mixing metal colors so this was a win for me. It has that Cartier vibe…super chic and wearable.

Temple St. Clair Classic Moonstone Amulet

4. Temple St. Clair Classic Moonstone Amulet: I love Temple’s Royal Blue Moonstones. The combination of their transparency and the bright blue color resemble clouds and are so dreamy. Truly any of Temple’s Moonstone Orbs or Amulets are a must-have for your jewelry wardrobe.

P.S. This was very hard to pick because there are so MANY more pieces that I love for so many different reasons.